A hearing aid that is no longer being used can make a big difference in someone else’s life – someone who could not afford a hearing aid without your donation. Donating a used hearing aid to the Hearing Aid Project can help a child hear his teacher in the classroom and excel in school. It could help a mother or father gain employment, or obtain a higher paying position. Even just one used hearing aid can give the gift of sound, and improve a person’s quality of life.
The best way to donate your hearing aids, batteries, cleaning tools, or hearing aid accessories is to mail them to our offices at 1912 E Meyer Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64132. We will process the donation and e-mail your itemized letter of acknowledgment as soon as we possibly can. Please be sure to either fill out the online donation form by clicking “Donate Now” below or include an e-mail address with your donation.
Across the country, individuals and organizations have established a community of hearing aid collection centers, which is critical to our mission of providing hearing aids to those in need.
This community consists of used hearing aid donors, state and local organizations, and people on the front lines working with individuals experiencing hearing loss. We need these collection centers in every community, including yours. Contact us today and see how you can get involved!
Together, we can give the gift of hearing to those who need it most.